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![XT16HL-A-LM Compatible Battery Replacement XT16HL-A-LM Compatible Battery Replacement](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-xjpg4jbhzd/images/stencil/original/products/19701/42653/M332-2__70388.1562343330.jpg?c=2)
XT16HL-A-LM Compatible Battery Replacement
XT16HL-A-LM Compatible Battery Replacement
The UB16HL-A-LM battery is a compatible replacement for the XT16HL-A-LM battery. The UPG UB16HL-A-LM will match the dimensions of the XT16HL-A-LM, and meet or exceed the batteries OEM specifications.
UB16HL-A-LM Battery Specifications:
- Voltage: 12
- Capacity: 19 Amp Hour
- CCA: 240
- Height (w/terminal): 6.14"
- Length: 6.93
- Width: 3.98"
- Weight: 11.90 Lbs (w/acid)
This battery has been cross-referenced to be our best suitable replacement for the XT16HL-A-LM battery. High-Tech Battery Solutions covers the this battery under a 12 month warranty from the date of delivery.
Note: This battery will be shipped with a sealed acid container and is considered non-returnable for exchange purposes once the battery has been filled with acid. This battery can only be shipped via Ground options.
Do you have a question? You can contact us online or toll free at 1-877-775-4381 to talk to a battery specialist today
Conventional (Wet Cell) Battery Long-Cycle Life Designed for High-Vibration Resistance One Year Warranty
The UB16HL-A-LM replacement battery is compatible with XT16HL-A-LM battery. The UB16HL-A-LM motorcycle battery is manufactured by UPG and comes with our standard one year free replacement warranty.